Grade 6 Gap Analysis - Science


Grade 6 Gap Analysis - Science

1. Which force is applied when brakes are used to stop a car?

Correct Answer:

2. How can a person reduce the friction on a surface?

The friction on a surface can be reduced by _____.

Correct Answer:

3. What kind of force is an upthrust force?

Correct Answer:

Read the information in the box below, and use it to answer question 4.

A girl observed a man trying to push a rock along a road. Though the man was sweating heavily and he was pushing with all his might, the rock was not moving.

4. Which is a LIKELY reason for the rock not moving?

Correct Answer:

5. Which energy source is CORRECTLY matched with its energy form?

Correct Answer:

The table below shows the energy usage of four appliances for the month of January and February. Use the information to answer question 6.

6. Which appliance should be replaced with a more efficient appliance?

Correct Answer:

7. Which statement is TRUE about the flow of heat energy?

Heat energy _____.

Correct Answer:

8. In which situation would a conductor be useful?

It would be useful when _____.

Correct Answer:

9. A student wanted to tell her classmates what energy is. What would you recommend she tell her classmates?

Energy is _____.

Correct Answer:

10. Which provides a reason for energy conservation?

Conserving energy _____.

Correct Answer:

Read the information below and use it to answer question 11.

Sue-Ann observed that if she left her office door open, the warm air from the corridor would warm up the air in her office. Eventually the temperature of her office and the corridor would match.

11. Which heat transfer process is described in Sue-Ann’s observation?

Correct Answer:

Read the information below and use it to answer question 12.

A student heated two containers with equal volumes of water for 45 minutes. The temperature of the water was taken at the start of the investigation and it was also taken at the end of the investigation. The results of the investigation are shown below

12. Container A is LIKELY what kind of container?

Container A is likely _____.

Correct Answer:

13. Which nutrient is the MAIN energy source for the human body?

Correct Answer:

14. Which is a food nutrient?

Correct Answer:

The diagram below shows a section of a food chain. Use the information to answer question 15.

15. Which organism in the food chain could be classified as a consumer?

Correct Answer:

The table below shows a breakfast meal plan. Use the information to answer question 16.

16. Which meal provides the MOST protein?

The meal on _____.

Correct Answer:

The diagram below shows a section of a food chain. Use the information to answer question 17.

17. Which statement is CORRECT?

Correct Answer:

Read the statement below and use it to answer question 18.

Organism X is a carnivore.

18. Which is a LIKELY reason why this statement was made?

Organism X _____.

Correct Answer:

The meal below came from a week long meal plan. Use the information to answer question 19.

Plain rice with fried chicken
Fried plantains
Mashed potatoes (with butter)
1 glass of water

19. Which statement explains why the meal is NOT balanced?

Correct Answer:

Observe the student’s lunch menu below. The lunch is eaten by the student three times a week. Use the menu to answer question 20.

French fries, 2 pieces of fried chicken, 2 fried bacon strips and a glass of soda.

20. Which statement is TRUE?

Correct Answer:

21. What is organic farming?

Organic farming is the adding of _____.

Correct Answer:

Read the statement below and use the information to answer question 22.

A farmer noticed that both the insect pest and helpful insects were dying on his farm. He noticed that this began happening after he started using a new farming method.

22. Which method of growing food did the farmer most likely start using?

Correct Answer:

The picture below shows a farmer applying pesticides to his riverside farm. Observe the picture and use it to answer question 23.

23. Which is a LIKELY result of the activities carried out by the farmer?

The activity may _____.

Correct Answer:

Read the statement and use the information to answer question 24.

A student kept changing the position of a pencil on her finger. She did this until she found the point where the pencil balanced on her finger. The student marked this point on the pencil.

24. What name can be given to this point?

It can be called the _____.

Correct Answer:

25. Which object is a wedge?

Correct Answer:

The diagram below shows a crowbar being used to lift a rock. Use it to answer question 26.

26. Which provides an explanation of how the crowbar works?

Correct Answer:

The diagram below shows some tools placed into two groups. Use the diagram to answer question 27.

27. Which tool does NOT belong to each group?

Correct Answer:

The graph below shows how the amount of land harvested changes with different tools. Use the information below to answer question 28.

28. Which is a LIKELY conclusion that can be made from the graph?

Correct Answer:

The diagram below shows a weather instrument. Use it to answer question 29.

29. What is the name of the instrument and what is its function?

Correct Answer:

Below are notes a child made on the feeding relationships she observed when she visited her backyard farm. Use the information to answer question 30.

The water grass is eaten by the grasshopper. The grasshopper was eaten by frogs and lizards. The frogs and lizards were eaten by birds. The grasshopper also ate water lilies.

30. Which food chain shows a feeding relationship observed by the child?

Correct Answer:

The diagram below shows a model for a container that should function to keep liquids cool. Use the information to answer question 31.

After constructing the container, it was observed that the liquids would not stay cool.

31. Which change should be made to the container so that it keeps liquids cool?

Correct Answer:

The diagram below shows a human arm and the position of the load, effort and fulcrum. Use the information to answer question 32.

32. Which lever has an arrangement similar to the arm?

Correct Answer:

A child conducted an investigation to find out if heat travels fastest through metals or glass. Below are some of the steps for the investigation. Read the steps and then answer question 33.

Step I : Get a metal rod and a glass rod of same size and length.
Step II : Attach candle wax to one end of each rod.
Step III : Insert a thumbtack into the candle wax.
Step IV : Place a lit candle at the other end of each rod.

33. Which step is written to ensure that the results of the investigation are accurate?

Correct Answer:

Read the statement below and use the information to answer question 34.

“A student was asked to record the height of three plants at the end of an investigation.”

34. Which is the BEST way to ensure accuracy of measurement?

Correct Answer:

The table below shows the results of an investigation. Use the information to answer question 35.

35. What was the LIKELY hypothesis for an investigation producing these results?

Correct Answer:

The table below was created by a student to record the data he would collect after carrying out an investigation. Use the table to answer questions 36 and 37.

36. Which is a LIKELY aim for the student’s investigation?

Correct Answer:

37. Why did the student include two trials for each force used?

Correct Answer:

A student’s plans for carrying out an investigation are shown below. Use the information to answer question 38.

A student wanted to test if light was needed for plants to produce fruits. The student planned to use three identical plant seedlings in the investigation. The student also planned to give each plant water and fertilizers.

38. Which step should the child include in the investigation?

Each plant should be given _____.

Correct Answer:

A child predicted that plants would produce more fruits when grown using hydroponics than when grown using manure. The setup for his investigation to test his prediction is shown below. Use the information to answer questions 39 and 40.

39. Which change(s) should the child make so that the test resembles a fair test?

Correct Answer:

40. Which should be followed so that the investigation is carried out safely?

Correct Answer:

Read the information below and use it to answer question 41.

A student heated two containers with equal volumes of water for 45 minutes. The temperature of the water was taken at the start of the investigation and it was also taken at the end of the investigation. The results of the investigation are shown below.

41. What change could the student make to the investigation to make it a fair test?

Correct Answer:

The graph below shows average rainfall for each month from 2010 to 2015. Use the information to answer questions 42 and 43.

42. Which month recorded the LOWEST average rainfall for the six years?

Correct Answer:

43. Which month will LIKELY record low average rainfall in the year 2017?

Correct Answer:

The table below shows how the quantity of fertilizers used on plants affects fruit production. Use the information in the table to answer question 44.

44. What will LIKELY happen if the farmer adds 110 g of fertilizer?

Correct Answer:

Three meals labeled I, II, III are show below. Use the information to answer question 45.

45. Which meal(s) is/are balanced?

Correct Answer:

The table below shows the effects of fertilizers on fruit production. Use the information to answer questions 46 and 47.

46. How much fertilizer would you recommend a farmer use?

Correct Answer:

47. Based on the information in the bar graph which statement provides the most accurate conclusion?

Correct Answer:

The diagram below shows a tractor. Use it to answer question 48.

48. What are the observable simple machines that are seen in the tractor?

Correct Answer:

The graph shows how changes in car design have affected the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. Use the information in the graph to answer questions 49 and 50.

49. Which statement explains what the graph is showing?

Correct Answer:

50. About how much less carbon dioxide is released by hybrid cars when compared to steam engine?

About _____.

Correct Answer:

The bar graph shows the population of insects and trees for four years. Use the information to answer questions 51 and 52.

51. Which statement is TRUE about the insects?

Correct Answer:

52. What would LIKELY happen if the insect population increases in 2020?

Correct Answer:

The table below shows how the number of shirts sewn a day changes with the age of the sewing machine. Use the information in the table to answer question 53.

53. Which bar graph shows the information in the table?

Correct Answer:

The graph below shows the time taken for water to boil in different Pyrex dishes. Use the information to answer question 54.

54. Which represents the information in the bar graph?

Correct Answer:

The method for an investigation and its results are shown below. Use the information to answer questions 55 and 56.

A child got 3 rods of the same size and measuring 13 cm each. Each rod was made of a different material. The child heated one end of each rod. The time taken for the other end to heat up was measured. The table below shows the results of the investigation.

55. Which BEST describe Materials A, B & C?

Correct Answer:

56. Which materials could be used to make the handle and the base of a cooking pot?

Correct Answer:

The method for an investigation and its results are shown below. Use the information to answer questions 57 and 58.

A child wanted to see which of 3 materials was best for keeping things cool. The child got 3 spoons each made from a different material. The child placed equal amounts of butter on the handle of each spoon. The spoons were then placed in a cup of warm water. The distance the butter traveled down the spoon was recorded after 15 minutes.

57. Based on the results in the table, which statement is TRUE?

Correct Answer:

58. What type of spoon would be BEST for drinking hot soup?

A spoon made from _____.

Correct Answer:

A student wanted to test how the mass and shape of an object affected how quickly it fell. The table below shows the results of the investigation. Use the information to answer question 59.

59. What conclusion can be made based on the results of the test?

Correct Answer:

Use the student’s observation and the information in the table to answer question 60.

Student Observation:
Rougher surfaces tend to have more friction than wet or shiny surfaces.

60. Based on the information in the table, which statement BEST supports the student’s observation?

The toy car took _____.

Correct Answer:



Cluster Number of items Number of responses at each level
level1 level2 level3 level4
Forces & Work 4
Total /4
Energy Forms 8
Total /8
Nutrition 8
Total /8
Ways of Growing Food 3
Total /3
Simple and Complex Machines 5
Total /5
Weather Instruments 1
Total /1
Creating Models 3
Total /3
Experimenting 9
Total /9
Analysis and Interpretation 19
Total /19
Total /60

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