Grade 6 Gap Analysis - Mathematics


Grade 6 Gap Analysis - Mathematics

1. Composite numbers have three or more factors. Which set is an infinite set of composite numbers?

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Prime numbers have two factors, itself and one. Use the set below to answer question 2.
A = {prime numbers with 3 factors}

2. Which statement best represents the set?

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Below is a list of numbers. Use them to answer question 3.
2, 19, 31, 43, 59, 67

3. What type of numbers are shown?

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4. Which is a common factor of 1 and 2?

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John is a school vendor. The table below shows how much money he deposited at the end of the week. Use this information to answer question 5.

5. How much money did John deposit?

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6. For which set of numbers is the number 4 a common multiple?

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7. What is the value of the digit 3 in the number 54.368?

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A number line is shown below. Use it to answer question 8.

8. Which decimal does the dot (.) on the number line represent?

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Three numbers are shown below. Use them to answer question 9.
0.01, 0.001, 0.1

9. Place the numbers in ascending order.

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10. Which of the following is TRUE about \(\frac{4}{4}\) and \(\frac{8}{8}\)?

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11. What is the quotient when 42,063 is divided by 21?

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12. Motorbikes have two wheels and cars have four wheels. There are a number of motorbikes and cars in a parking lot. There are 14 motorbikes. Altogether, there are 324 wheels. How many cars are in the parking lot?

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13. What is the result of

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14. Which expression results the smallest difference?

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A number sentence is shown below. Use it to answer question 15.
1246 x 35 = 4361

15. In the number sentence, a decimal point is missing from the number 1246. Where in the number should the decimal point be to make the number sentence TRUE?

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An equation is shown below. Use it to answer question 16.
0.08 x ..... = 8

16. Which of the following should 0.08 be multiplied by to make the equation TRUE?

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The diagram below shows the model of two fractions. Use it to answer question 17.

17. What is the sum of the fractions?

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18. What is the result of \(\frac{4}{5}\) x \(\frac{2}{3}\)?

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19. The temperature recorded at 6 a.m. in New York City yesterday was -3°C. The temperature recorded in London at the same time was 4°C. What was the difference in temperature between New York City and London at 6 a.m. yesterday?

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The diagrams below show the reading of two temperatures on two different days in a city. Use them to answer question 20.

20. What is the difference in temperature between the two days?

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21. Jones attended a school from September 1, 2015 to January 1, 2019. How long did Jones attend the school?

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22. Paul exercises 45 minutes per day for five days every week. How long does Paul exercise at the end of each week?

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23. What is the result when \(\frac{70}{100}\) centimetres is converted to millimetres?

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24. One object weighs 2 kg. Another object weighs 520 g. What is the total weight of both objects, in grams?

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25. A rectangular room has a perimeter of 70 m. What could be the length of the longest side of the room?

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Examine the shape and its dimensions below. Use this information to answer question 26.

26. What is the perimeter of the shape?

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The diagram below shows a picture of a shopping plaza. A contractor wants to measure the size of the land that the shopping plaza is on. Use this information to answer question 27.

27. Which unit of measurement is most appropriate for the contractor to use?

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28. What is the smallest perimeter a rectangle of area 12 cm2 can have?

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The diagram below shows an angle. Use it to answer question 29.

29. What is the size of the angle?

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30. Two lines are said to be perpendicular when they meet at right angles. Which picture shows a pair of perpendicular lines?

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Examine the triangle below. Use it to answer question 31.

31. What type of triangle is shown?

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32. Which shape has only one line of symmetry?

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Examine the diagram of the quadrilateral below. Use it to answer question 33.

33. Which side is opposite to side EF?

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The grid below shows four points, labelled W, X, Y and Z. John is at point X and Sue is at point Y. To get to point X, John moved 5 steps East from point W and then 3 steps North. Use the grid and the information given to answer question 34.

34. Sue wants to move from point Y to point Z, which statement below best describes her movement?

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35. Rick is facing east. He makes three-quarters of a complete turn, clockwise. Which direction is Rick now facing?

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The picture below shows a letter in its current position after it was flipped three times to the left. Use it to answer question 36.

36. What was the original position of the letter?

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37. Which statement is TRUE about the circle?

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38. Which statement is TRUE about the properties of a triangular based pyramid?

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Examine the four triangles below. Use them to answer question 39.

39. Which two triangles are congruent?

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40. A square-based pyramid consists of triangular faces and square faces. The ratio of the number of triangular faces to the number of square faces is _____.

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Joe purchased an X-Box cartridge in 2009 for $ 1,900. The table below shows the value of the cartridge each year from 2009 to 2013. Use it to answer question 41.

41. What is an estimate for the value of the X-Box cartridge in 2016?

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The table below shows different table lengths and the number of chairs that can fit under each table. For example, a table of length 1 unit can fit 3 chairs. Use the information in the table to answer question 42.

42. How many chairs can fit under a table of length of 10 units?

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43. Max has some books. He placed x books into 2 bags each and y books into 4 bags each. If x = 3 and y = 4, how many books does Max have altogether?

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Examine the number sentence below. Use it to answer question 44.

44. Which symbol will make the number sentence TRUE?

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45. Jonathan bought a calculator for $x. Cindy bought the same calculator for 3 times more than Jonathan paid for his calculator. Which expression represents the amount of money Cindy paid for her calculator?

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Examine the equation below. Use it to answer question 46.
( P + 5 ) - 4 = 6

46. What is the value of P?

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Examine the equation below. Use it to answer question 47. $$\frac{1}{2} + X = \frac{5}{6}$$

47. What is the value of x?

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48. An igloo was filled with \(10\frac{1}{2}\) litres of juice at the beginning of a party. It was then filled with another \(4\frac{4}{5}\) litres of juice during the party. The children at the party drank x litres of the juice. \(2\frac{1}{5}\) litres of juice was in the igloo at the end of the party. How many litres of juice did the children drink?

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49. A primary school with six grade levels would like to do a survey with 50 students about their favourite lunch menu. The school would like the sample to be fair. Which set of students should they collect the 50 samples from?

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The table below shows the number of sweets Paul, Peter, Hanna and Ren have. They calculated the mean, median, mode and range for the number of sweets. Use this information and the information in the table to answer question 50.

50. If Paul, Peter, Hanna and Ren want to estimate the number of sweets each person will get over time, which result could they use?

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51. When a number is added to the set of numbers 7, 8, 9, 12, 6, 10 and 11, the mean becomes 8. What is the number that was added?

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The table below shows the number of times a batsman made 1 run, 2 runs, 4 runs and 6 runs. Use it to answer questions 52 to 54.

52. What is the modal run or runs made by the batsman?

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53. What is the median run or runs made by the batsman?

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54. What is the range of the runs made by the batsman?

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The diagram below shows the favourite sports of some grade 6 students. Use the information in the diagram to answer questions 55 and 56.

55. Which sport is the least liked sport overall?

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The diagram below shows the favourite sports of some grade 6 students. Use the information in the diagram to answer questions 55 and 56.

56. Which statement is TRUE about the information in the diagram?

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57. Mom is making mango carrot juice. She used 56.4 grams more mangoes than carrots. If she used 1.862 kilograms of carrots, how many grams of mangoes did she use?

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58. George had $180. He spent \(\frac{1}{4}\) of it on marbles. How much money does he have left?

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59. What is 23.109 rounded to the nearest hundredth?

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60. Mark ran the 50 m race in exactly 34.65 seconds. How fast did he run, to the nearest second?

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Strand Cluster Number of items Number of responses at each level
level1 level2 level3 level4
Number Set Theory 2
Total /2
Properties of Numbers 8
Total /8
Number Operation – Whole Numbers 2
Total /2
Number Operation – Decimals 4
Total /4
Number Operation – Fractions 2
Total /2
Measurement Using Units of Measurement 2
Total /2
Metric Conversion 4
Total /4
2D Measurement Concepts (e.g. Perimeter and Area) 4
Total /4
Geometry 2D Geometric Concepts 10
Total /10
3D Geometric Concepts 2
Total /2
Algebra Patterns 2
Total /2
Solving Equations and Inequalities 6
Total /6
Statistics and Probability Data Analysis 6
Total /6
Interpreting Statistical Data 2
Total /2
Problem Solving 2
Total /2
Approximation and Estimation 2
Total /2
Total /60

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