Grade 5 Gap Analysis - Mathematics


Grade 5 Gap Analysis - Mathematics

1. Which statement BEST describes the set {14, 16, 18, 20, 22}?

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2. Which set BEST describes the set of whole numbers greater than 30 and less than 35?

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3. What is the value of the digit 2 in the number 67,523?

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The number line shown below has a midpoint of 680. Use it to answer question 4.

4. Which two numbers are represented by X and Y?

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5. What is \(\frac{55}{1000}\) written as a decimal?

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The diagram below shows 0.47 of a grid shaded. Use the grid to answer question 6.

6. What fraction of the grid is unshaded?

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The pattern below shows ‘5’ being multiplied by multiples of ten. Use this pattern to answer question 7.

5 × 10 = 50
5 × 100 = 500
5 × 1000 = 5000
5 × 10000 = 50000

7. Which is TRUE about the pattern?

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8. Which of the following is TRUE about $51.32 × 9?

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The number sentence below shows a division problem. Use it to answer question 9.
42 ÷ 7 = 6

9. Which of the following division problems has the same quotient as the number sentence given?

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10. Jason is planning a 7-day long road trip. The total distance to be covered is 567 km. He is planning to drive the same number of kilometres each day. How many kilometres will Jason travel each day?

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Examine the two number sentences below. The box ( ) represents the same digit in both sentences. Use the number sentences to answer question 11.

11. Which digit should be placed in the box () to make both number sentences TRUE?

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12. Which pair of decimals has a sum that is greater than 1 and a difference that is less than 1?

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Ron wants to break $92.50 into two parts in different ways. The table below shows what he has come up with so far. Use the table and this information to answer questions 13 and 14.

13. What is the value of M?

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14. Which of the following could be possible values for N and P?

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A list of fractions is listed in the table below. Use them to answer question 15.

15. Which fraction in the table is an example of an improper fraction?

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16. Which fraction is greater than \(\frac{1}{2}\) ?

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17. What is the result of \(12 - 1 \frac{3}{5}\) ?

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18. John and Kae ate pizza for lunch. John ate \(\frac{2}{9}\) of the pizza. After Kae ate her share, \(\frac{2}{9}\) of the pizza was left. What fraction of the pizza did Kae eat?

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Tim broke apart a fraction into four smaller fractions, as shown below. Use this information to answer question 19.

\( \frac{3}{8} + \frac{1}{8} + \frac{2}{8} + \frac{1}{8} \)

19. Which is another way that the fraction could be broken apart?

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The diagram below shows a school bus. The school bus can hold a maximum of 8 students. It makes a certain number of trips to town. For each trip, the school bus is no more than \(\frac{7}{8}\) full. Use this information to answer question 20.

20. The school bus takes 40 students to town in a day. Which of the following could be a breakdown of each trip the school bus makes to town?

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21. What is the result when 31 is divided by 4?

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The diagram below shows a clock. Use it to answer question 22.

22. What time is shown on the clock?

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23. Tommy’s mother gave him his daily dose of cough syrup. How much cough syrup did Tommy’s mother most likely give him?

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24. To convert from seconds to minutes, you divide the number of seconds by 60 because ____.

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25. Physical Education class lasted for 102 minutes. How long did the Physical Education class last, in hours and minutes?

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26. The height of a pole is 1.25 m and the height of a tree is 1.52 m. How much taller is the tree than the pole?

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27. The boundary of a school needs to be fenced. The rectangular area that needs to be fenced is 40 m long and 15 m wide. How much metres of fencing does the school need to buy?

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Examine the shape and its dimensions below. Use it to answer question 28.

28. What is the perimeter of the shape?

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29. Joe has a rectangular tomato plot that is 15 m long and 4 m wide. One bag of fertilizer can cover 7 m2 of the plot. How many bags of fertilizer does Joe need to cover the entire plot?

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Three rays are used to make the triangle shown below. Use the triangle to answer question 30.

30. Which two rays form the right angle in the triangle?

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The diagram below shows an outline of a playground. Use it to answer question 31.

31. Which type of line is NOT in the diagram?

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32. Which shape is a non-polygon?

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Examine the three properties below. Use them to answer question 33.
i. Has four sides that are not of the same length.
ii. Has two equal opposite sides.
iii. Two pairs of parallel sides.

33. Which shape has ALL three properties?

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34. How many more lines of symmetry does a regular quadrilateral have than a regular triangle?

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Two shapes are shown below: Shape G and Shape H. Shape H represents the position of Shape G after it has been flipped. Use this information to answer question 35.

35. Which statement is TRUE about the two shapes?

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36. After Triangle X is turned, its new position is represented by Triangle Y. Which diagram correctly shows a turn of Triangle X to Triangle Y on the grid?

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An angle is shown below. Use it to answer question 37.

37. Which is TRUE about the size of the angle?

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38. Jill has 6 pencils. Hanna has x more pencils than Jill. Which expression represents how many pencils Hanna has?

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39. The expression z + 2z represents the solution to a problem. Which problem would it be the solution to?

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The numbers in the sequence below follow a pattern. Examine the sequence, then use it to answer question 40.
0.0012, 0.012, 0.12, ____

40. What is the next number in the sequence, if the same pattern continues?

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Examine the growing pattern below. Use it to answer question 41.

41. What is the 6th pattern in the sequence?

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Some people were asked to select their favourite type of movie. The bar graph below shows their responses. Use it to answer questions 42.

42. What is the median number of people who selected their favourite type of movie?

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Some people were asked to select their favourite type of movie. The bar graph below shows their responses. Use it to answer questions 43.

43. Which two types of movies did the same number of people like?

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The table below shows the results of a grade 4 class survey on the students’ favourite colour. Use it to answer question 44.

44. Which pictograph represents the information in the table?

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The line graph below shows the amount of rainfall in a town over four months. Use it to answer question 45.

45. In which month was there an increase in rainfall compared to the previous month?

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46. Describe the outcome of the event below:
In a school of 400 students, someone’s birthday will be in August.

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47. Which bag gives the greatest probability of selecting a blue ball?

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The information below shows three things Mario notices about the number of marbles he has. Use this information to answer question 48.
i. When he counts by 2, he has 0 marbles remaining
ii. When he counts by 3, he has 1 marble remaining
iii. When he counts by 4, he has 0 marbles remaining

48. Which of the following could be the number of marbles Mario has?

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The picture below shows a fence. The fence is made of pieces of chains and sticks. Two sticks are used to join one piece of chain. Use the picture and this information to help you answer question 49.

49. Four sticks are used to join three pieces of chain. How many sticks are needed to join six pieces of chain?

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The diagram below represents the ages of three children: Susan, Carl and Jane. Use it to answer question 50.

50. Susan is the oldest and Jane is the youngest. Carl is 2 years younger than Susan and Jane is 2 years younger than Carl. If Susan is 10 years old, what is the sum of their ages?

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51. Michael has 12 mangoes in 3 boxes. He has the same number of mangoes in each box. Hanna has 24 mangoes in 4 boxes. She has the same number of mangoes in each box. How many more mangoes does Hanna have in each box than Michael?

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52. Lisa bought a pen for $x. Lisa sold the pen to Jill for 3 times more than she paid for it. How much did Jill pay for the pen?

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The table below shows the number of coins four boys collected over a four-week period. Use this information to answer question 53.

53. What is the average number of coins collected by all the boys over the four-week period?

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Examine the number sentence below. Use it to answer question 54.
0.36 0.052 = 0.308

54. Which operation should be placed in the box ( ) to make this number sentence TRUE?

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55. Which number is \(\frac{3}{8}\) closest to?

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Examine the picture below. Use it to answer question 56.

56. What is the likely temperature of the day shown in the picture?

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The diagram below shows two pieces of paper. Use it to answer question 57.

57. Approximately how many pieces of paper 2 will be needed to cover paper 1?

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58. Which of the following is the BEST estimate for 252 × 11?

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The diagrams below show a 1-litre jug and a 250 ml bottle. Use them to help you answer question 59.

59. How many 250 ml bottles will fill the 1-litre jug?

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The diagram below shows the mass of some pencils in grams. Use this information to answer question 60.

60. If each pencil weighs 6g, how many pencils are there?

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Strand Cluster Number of items Number of responses at each level
level1 level2 level3 level4
Number Set Theory 2
Total /2
Properties of Numbers 4
Total /4
Number Operation – Whole Numbers 5
Total /5
Number Operation – Decimals 3
Total /3
Number Operation – Fractions 7
Total /7
Measurement Using Units of Measurement 2
Total /2
Metric Conversion 3
Total /3
2D Measurement Concepts (e.g. Perimeter and Area) 3
Total /3
Geometry 2D Geometric Concepts 8
Total /8
Algebra Solving Equations and Inequalities 2
Total /2
Patterns 2
Total /2
Statistics and Probability Data Analysis 2
Total /2
Interpreting Statistical Data 2
Total /2
Probability Concepts 2
Total /2
Problem Solving 7
Total /7
Approximation and Estimation 6
Total /6
Total /60

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