Grade 4 Gap Analysis - Mathematics


Grade 4 Gap Analysis - Mathematics

1. What is 584 written in expanded form?

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2. Which number is greater than 5,643?

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3. What digit is in the hundreds place in the number 3,567?

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4. What number is shown by the blocks in the picture below?

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5. What is 247 rounded to the nearest ten?

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6. Which coin has a value of $10?

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7. What is the missing number?

20, 23, 26, ___, 32, 35

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8. Which is three and five-eighths?

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9. Which shape does NOT show \(\frac{1}{2}\)shaded?

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10. What fraction of the marbles is green?

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Examine the fraction chart below and use it to answer question 11.

11. Which fraction is equivalent to \(\frac{2}{4}\)

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12. Which set of fractions is in order from smallest to largest?

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13. Which set of circles shows the same fraction of shaded circles as those in the rectangle below?

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14. What is the sum of 2,641 and 1,425?

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15. The sum of 1,249 and 594 to the nearest hundred is _____.

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16. The diagram below shows that 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10. In which other way could this be written?

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17. Roy loves to leap. How many leaps does he have to make to get to 8 if he starts at 0 and leaps by twos?

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18. What number sentence does this picture show?

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19. Which diagram shows 30 ÷ 4?

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Use the diagram below to answer question 20.

20. What is the product shown?

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21. If 6 × 4 = 24. What is 24 called?

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22. What is the product of 23 × 4?

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23. Which of the following is NOT the same as 6×18?

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24.What is 2,340 ÷ 5?

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25. Which is the best estimate of 375 × 5?

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26. If 396 marbles are shared equally among 3 friends, how many will each friend get?

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27. Mom bakes cupcakes for the school tuck-shop. Her cupcake tray holds one dozen. If she gets an order of 48 cupcakes, how many batches will she have to make?

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28. A class of students is divided evenly into four groups. Which could NOT be the total number of students in the class?

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29. Tom has a total of 53 marbles. He has 20 red ones, 18 blue ones and 15 yellow ones. Which colour marbles can be shared equally into 4 groups?

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30. Marsh got three bags of sweet from her aunt. If she shared \(\frac{2}{3}\) of one bag with her friends, how many sweets does she have left?

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31. Shanice ate \(\frac{1}{2}\) of a cake. Kemar ate \(\frac{1}{10}\) of the same cake and Christine ate \(\frac{3}{10}\). What fraction of the cake did they eat altogether?

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32. How many meters are there in one kilometre?

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33. Which is equal to one litre?

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34. How many minutes make 1 hour?

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35. Karen had netball practice for \(\frac{3}{4}\)of an hour. How long did her practice last?

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36. What time is shown on the clock?

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37. Which of the following would be BEST measured in mililitres?

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38. How much water is in the jug?

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39. The Smith family went on vacation for 23 days in the summer. Approximately how long were they on vacation?

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40. Which statement is TRUE?

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41. What is the perimeter of the rectangle below?

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42. A rectangular flower garden has a perimeter of 24 m. Which of the following could possibly be the measurement of its length and its width?

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A pencil, a pen and a screw are being measured in centimetres below. Use this information to answer question 43.

43. Which is the longest?

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44. What is the BEST estimate for the area of the pentagon below?

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45. What is the estimated area of the diagram below?

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Use the shape STUVW to answer questions 46.

46. Which shape is similar to the shape STUVW?

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Use the shape STUVW to answer questions 47.

47. If the dots in the shape are joined (T to W), what shape would STW make?

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48. Which shape has ONLY ONE line of symmetry?

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Use the information below to answer question 49. Jack drew a picture on a piece of paper and folded it in half to get the picture below.

49. Which shape would be the other half?

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The pictograph shows the number and type of cars parked in a parking lot. Use it to answer question 50.

50. Which type of car has two times the number of cars Mazda has?

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The table below shows the favourite ice-cream flavours in a Grade 3 class. Use the information in the table to answer question 51.

51. How many students prefer Strawberry ice-cream?

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The graph below shows the number of students who chose one of four animals as their favourite pet. Use the graph to answer question 52.

52. How many more students prefer dogs than fish?

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Mary bought a spiced bun, two slices of cheese, a fruit juice, and a bottle of water at the tuck-shop. The cashier gave her three $100 notes, four $50 notes and three twenty-dollar coins for her change.

53. How much did she get back as change?

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Corey’s father gave him an envelope for his birthday. He opened it and found the following notes in it. Use this information to answer question 54.

54.How much money did Corey get for his birthday?

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55. Suzie bought a bottle of water for $90, an apple for $50 and two pencils for $20 each. Approximately how much would be her change from $500?

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56. In the number 4,612, which digit would you change to make it less than 4000?

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57. Container B is being used to fill Container A. Approximately how many times will Container B be filled and emptied into Container A before Container A is filled?

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58. The difference between a short side and long side of a rectangle is 4cm. If the length of the short side is 3cm, what is the perimeter of the rectangle?

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The weights of three objects (P, Q and R) were compared using a pan balance. Two comparisons were made as shown in the diagram below. Use this information to answer question 59.

59. Which object is the heaviest?

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60. Jane wants to make a cuboid out of bubble gum balls and toothpicks. She will use a bubble gum ball for the vertex and a toothpick for an edge. How many bubble gum balls and toothpicks will she need?

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Strand Cluster Number of items Number of responses at each level
level1 level2 level3
Number Number Representation 13
Total /13
Number Operation 18
Total /18
Measurement Unit Conversion 4
Total /4
Units of Measurement 2
Total /2
Approximation and Estimation 3
Total /3
2D Measurement Concepts 5
Total /5
Geometry 4
Total /4
Statistics 3
Total /3
Problem Solving 8
Total /8
Total /60

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