Grade 3 Gap Analysis Test - Mathematics


Grade 3 Gap Analysis Test - Mathematics

1. Which two sets have the same number of items?

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2. Which of the following is the set of even numbers between 40 and 50?

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3. What is the number name for 675?

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4. Five students are in a line. Lisa is first in line. What is Mike’s position in the line?

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5. Which digit in the number 875 is in the hundreds position?

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6. 39 tens and 12 ones can be renamed as _____.

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7. Which statement is TRUE?

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Look at the number pattern below.

3, 6, 9, ____, 15, 18

8. Which number should come between 9 and 15 if the pattern continues?

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9. What fraction of the set of hearts below is shaded?

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10. Complete.

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11. Which multiplication fact represents the array below?

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12. Which of the following can be used to represent the multiplication fact 3 × 5?

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Read the information below. Then use it to answer question 13.

There are 12 chairs in a room.
The chairs are to be arranged in rows.
Each row must have the same number of chairs.

13. Which diagram shows one way that the 12 chairs can be arranged?

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14. Which diagram shows 24 ÷ 4 = 6?

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15. Karl has 23 mangoes. He gave away a few of them. An even number of mangoes were left. Which of the following could be the number of mangoes Karl gave away?

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16. Complete.

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17. Which unit can be used to express the length of an object?

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Look at the objects below. Read the sentence that follows. Use them to answer question 18.

18. Which of the following, when used to complete the sentence, makes it TRUE?

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The scales below show the mass of a pineapple and a pumpkin. Use them and the sentence that follows to answer question 19.

19. Which of the following, when used to complete the sentence, makes it TRUE?

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Use the diagram and the information below to answer question 20.

20. About how many paper clips long is the table?

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21. About how much liquid is in the container below?

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22. Which item is measured in litres?

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23. Which item is measured in kilograms?

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24. What time is shown on the clock?

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25. How many hours are in two days?

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26. Which shape is a closed path?

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27. In which diagram does the line form a line of symmetry?

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Read the paragraph below. Use the information to answer question 28.

28. What shape is being described in the paragraph?

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The table below shows the number of students on different teams. Use it to answer questions 29.

29. Which tally chart shows the information given in the table?

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The table below shows the number of students on different teams. Use it to answer questions 30.

30. Which pictograph shows the information given in the table?

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The bar graph below shows the sport played by students in a class. Each student plays only one sport. Use it to answer questions 31.

31. How many students do NOT play football?

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The bar graph below shows the sport played by students in a class. Each student plays only one sport. Use it to answer questions 32.

32. Which statement is TRUE?

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33. Look at the number pattern below. Which number should come next if the pattern continues?

2, 5, 8, 11, _____

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Look at the series of shapes below. Use it to answer question 34.

34. Which statement correctly describes the pattern in the series?

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35. Which number should be placed in the box to make the number sentence below TRUE?

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36. Sara has 11 sweets in her bag. Billy gave her 6 more. Which number sentence correctly represents this information?

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37. Mother baked 11 bread puddings, 7 cornmeal puddings and 14 sweet potato puddings. How many puddings did she bake in all?

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38. Bill and Karen have some grapes. Bill has 24 grapes. Karen has 10 more grapes than Bill. How many grapes do they have altogether?

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Use the calendar below to answer questions 39.

39. Which day of the week will the month of February 2021 begin?

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Use the calendar below to answer questions 40.

40. New Year’s Day is January 1. Marlon’s birthday is exactly 2 weeks after New Year’s Day. What is the date of Marlon’s birthday?

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Strand Cluster Number of items Number of responses at each level
level1 level2 level3
Number Set Theory 1
Total /1
Properties of Numbers 8
Total /8
Number Operation – Whole Numbers 6
Total /6
Number Operations – Rational Numbers 1
Total /1
Measurement Approximation and Estimation 4
Total /4
Units of Measurement 4
Total /4
Unit Conversion 1
Total /1
Geometry 2D Concepts 3
Total /3
Statistics Interpreting Statistical Charts and Graphs 4
Total /4
Algebra Patterns 2
Total /2
Solving Equations and Inequalities 2
Total /2
Problem Solving 4
Total /4
Total /40

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